Monday, October 8, 2007

Visiting Peru

Our kids are spoiled, I know, with all their travels. As of today, Jacob has been to seven countries and Alexander six. I know it’s crazy, but it is for a reason. #1, they just are going along for the ride with us. #2, It is very important for us that our kids understand the breadth of the world and its people in order to be productive and successful in the ever-changing world.

Peru is close enough to Arica to go for the afternoon. So, we went just long enough to have a lunch, which was much cheaper than Chile (I got a plate with chicken, sausage, pork, beef and some other beef for $5). Then, we went to the market and bought a few souvenirs. While we didn’t expect it to be too different from just across the border, it was. The people were very beautiful looking, with dark and reddish skin, just like you imagine Peruvians.