Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Heroes of Chile

FASIC had a staff celebration today out at the home of the Executive Director, Claudio’s. They grilled tons of meat, and we ate lots of food, and drank wine and pisco sours (the national drink of Chile). Actually, I didn’t drink because I wasn’t feeling well. Here´s a picture of his cool house.

Claudio and FASIC are famous. They are literally in the history books of Chile for their work opposing the dictatorship of Pinochet. The book I’m reading on Pinochet, A Nation of Enemies, mentions how Claudio would help anti-Pinochet leaders seek asylum in the embassies of Sweden, Switzerland, and other countries. Apparently, Claudio had an old van that he disguised as a paint truck. People would climb into the back, he would park his truck next to an embassy, and the people would escape out the back of the van and climb the wall of the embassy. There were many other things that he and others in FASIC did to help those targeted by the dictator.

I don't know how many people those in FASIC helped in this way, but I know that thousands of people sought asylum in foreign embassies during the time of Pinochet. Those accepted, were resettled as refugees in those other countries.