Thursday, September 27, 2007

Playgrounds & Children

Chile is full of playgrounds. There must be more playgrounds per capita than anywhere else in the world. In all the parks, of course, but also in any random public space—on the sides of roads—there are playgrounds. Some new plastic ones like in America, and some fun old ones with dangerous stuff like real see-saws and merry-go-rounds. Still others somewhat creative and improvised-looking, with logs stacked up in fun ways. Definitely more variety and creativity than you find in the US. The playground near our house even has this little library booth, so parents can borrow books to read while their kids play. How cool is that?

Chile has a culture that lets kids be kids. Unlike in many/most Latin American countries, children do not work here, selling things in the streets. Some help their parents in their shops after school, but this is far different than some eight-year-old kid sitting on the streets trying to sell trinkets.