Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Lots of Kissing

Lots of kissing here in Chile. First off, people greet with kisses (women-women and men-women), a simple cheek-to-cheek air kiss. It’s taking a while to get used to, because it feels so intimate for an American. I thought it might just be for friends, but it is for anyone you meet. Even the president of Chile (a woman) and congress members greet each other in this way.

Alexander claims that every day he is getting more kisses from his teacher, and now he is up to about 18 a day. Funny thing is that, since they are kisses on the cheek, he thinks that only cheek kisses are appropriate in Chile, and will not let us kiss him on the lips now.

Also, public display of affection is all over the place here. Teenagers kiss in the parks and streets. And even married older adults (imagine that) hold hands and kiss passionately in public spaces. It’s totally respectful and not inappropriate, but it’s making me feel like a cold American.